I lost 25 lbs. in less than 60 days. You can, too.

My secret? Carb-cycling, mixed in with some exercise, and it was almost pain free.

What is carb-cycling?

Carb-cycling is the process of switching low carb days with normal eating days for maximum weight loss. It is the diet Chris Powell uses for his clients on The Biggest Loser.

How does it work?

Carb-cycling works in two ways. It reduces calorie intake and it keeps your metabolism from dropping. It’s also easy to stick to.

As long as you don’t consume an excess of fats, you will reduce your calorie intake on low carb days. Interchanging low carb days with regular eating days also keeps your metabolism from dropping. Many people know that when calories are severely restricted for several days, the body fears starvation and slows calorie burning. Interchanging low carb days with regular eating days keeps your metabolism up.

Carb-cycling is easier to stick to than most traditional diets. Cravings are reduced. That Mac and Cheese you are craving is only a day away. And, because many carbs are bland, they can be easily removed from many dishes without affecting the taste. I eat stir fry without the rice, low carb wraps instead of bread, extra vegetables instead of potatoes, meatballs and sauce topped with cheese, etc. I love these altered dishes as much as I love the original ones.

Exercise is also important. It’s also really uncomfortable, even painful, for people that are overweight and/or out of shape. They need extra motivation, so, try to kill two birds with one stone. Start out easily. Walking is the best exercise for sedate people to start with. I have used exercise as a way to spend time with my son. we fly kites, play frisbee, and check out the local parks and hiking trails. I walk the dogs. I turn on music and dance when I clean. I have gotten to the point that I hit a local track that has weight bearing fitness equipment along it. I love the runners’ high.

Exercise should also be fun. This helps take the torture out of it. I am using this time to try different activities. I love to bowl, and I want to learn to ride a horse. I would also like to create my own dance, just for fun, out of one of my favorite songs. We love to window shop in the downtown historic district and the mall. We plan on visiting a large museum later this week.

If I truly need motivation to work out, try to develop the “just do it” mentality. Don’t think about it, “just do it”.

Here are some other weight loss tips I have found helpful:

Lose the scale. We women normally have weight fluctuations of a few pounds. And lean muscle tissue weighs more than fat, so you will gain a few pounds as your muscles get leaner. Don’t weigh yourself more often than a week or two, or you might lose motivation. By two weeks, you will probably already be noticing a difference in the way your clothes fit.

Never skip meals. The body fears starvation and your metabolism will drop. Keep your calorie burning machine up by eating small meals and snacks throughout the day.

Drink cold water before you eat. This will help you feel full faster and cold water increases metabolism.



I have another 25 pounds to go. The first month took a little getting used to. It takes around 30 days for most people to create a new habit and break old ones. Hang in there. You can do it.


Unexpected Benefits from the Family Dinner Table

We know there are many benefits to dining together as a family, including increased communication and family bonding. There are some other important benefits that many mothers are not aware of, important enugh to find time to prioritize eating together.
Children who share meals with their families have better communication skills than children who don’t. They also do better in school. They are also 24% more likely to make healthier food choices and 12% less likely to become obeses. Dining together as a family also decreases incidences of eating disorders. Teens are offered additional benefit.
Teens that eat meals with their families are less likely to smoke, drink, or use illicet drugs and have friends that do.. Teen girls are less likely to engage in sex and have sexually active friends. Those that do have sex at an older age, and choose partners that are closer to their own age. They were also less likely to suffer depression or have behavioral problems, and they tended to show more helpful behaviors than children who rarely dined with their families.
Opening up the lines of communication at family meals is vital to gaining these benefits. This may be the only quality time parents can see their children in today’s busyness, and the time parents are most like to detect anything from illness to victimization by a bully. Family meals provide your children with being an important part of a larger whole, promoting togetherness and encouraging a healthy self-esteem. Family meals are also an opportune time for your children to learn something new. Family dinner is the best time to turn off the TV and talk about your day.
It can be really difficult to get the family to pull up a chair together these days, but, making a goal of getting your family to eat together at least five times a week is well worth the hassle.
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